
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Definition: Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance or task, which is used as a basis for improvement.
Every week we have designated time for team feedback! Its really really cool to have this time set up for us to give and receive constructive feedback. They have this required right now so that we can get in the habit of doing this without the forced time. Last week our team kind of forgot that we had it, so our feedback was very rushed, but the week before that was super cool! I learned a lot about myself and learned a lot about my fellow teammates. Cant wait to keep lifting up my brothers in this journey… NOW about my week. 
Prison Ministry:This week I was the one staying back and praying for those who went to the prison. Ford, Cauy, Matthew, and team leader Parker went to the prison and talked. So it was just me and champ at Leo’s house praying, cooking, cleaning, and just enjoying some peace and quiet. I love moments like these… places I can sit still and rest in the Lord and reflect on the past week and upcoming week. 
Labor Ministry:For the rest of the week we were painting a new building on the AIM base. It’s built to become a trade school more or less, and it’s supposed to help people learn life skills and trades. It’ll be a while till it will be in use, but we had the task of painting the interior and the exterior of the building.  Thankfully, the weather was nice to us this week and we have some days where we had to wear sweatshirts cause of the breeze (which was amazing), and the other days were comfortable. For me personally I love painting because I like seeing my work gradually get better and actually see the finished project. It was hard at times because I would compare the ministry we were doing to others… and I realised just how dangerous that actually is. However, I really enjoyed the painting, and I enjoyed spending time with my team. Love these guys
Other events during the week:On Friday, a couple of us decided to play soccer against some of the locals who play every night. We knew it wasn’t going to pretty, but we played for the fun of it. I think my team won, but we didn’t really keep track, everybody just played for fun. Some guys were wearing cleats, some sandals, and some were barefoot. But I really enjoyed playing with the guys, and I definitely will be playing more. 
Also, I forgot to mention in my other blog that I’m taking a worship/song writing class! Our ministry host David is teaching 2 classes: Worship/Song writing and a writing only class. We just finished our second class, and it has been so freaking cool so far. Writing in general is definitely not my thing, but I’m really looking forward to see how I can improve in it and relate use it as worship. In our most recent class, we were given the task to mashup or re-write two worship songs. David split us into groups of three, and then gave us two random worship songs to mash together and create a new melody. We were only given 30 minutes to complete this task before we then presented it to the rest of the class. It was very very cool and I can’t wait to learn more and grow in this. I will be sure to keep y’all updated on how the class goes.
Overall, it was a very good and busy week. Like I have said before, the more time I spend here the more I fall in the love with the people and the culture. Very proud to say I am finally learning some of the language and how to pronounce the names here, but most of the kids here have trouble with my name. Instead of calling me Parker (I have told them my name hundreds of times), they call me China. Not Chinese. Not Asian…. But China. For example, I was walking home from church once when a group of small children wanted me to walk with them, so they called out my name, “Hey China, come over here”. At first, I didn’t even comprehend that they were talking to me, but once they kept repeating the name, I realised that they were talking to ME! And ever since then I am now known as China. Don’t worry though, I’m not at all offended or hurt by there words… I just think its hilarious, and the kids definitely think its funny haha. (Now ford and some of the other guys call me this to) 


11 responses to “Feedback”

  1. Dear “China”…. (oh , my heart!) I love how sweet this is…
    BTW, I love the picture of the messy paint pans! It shows that progress is messy at times and sometimes the paint goes outside of the boundaries…

    I love that you shared about the music classes! What a stretch… what a process!
    How incredible! I hope Joy can be in the mix… she would love that!

    One thing struck me about your take on ministry… how you began to compare ministry days and what a dangerous thing that was… yes… comparing… is a dangerous slippery pit. I am so glad you refused to entertain those thoughts!

    Feedback is an amazing word and concept! Being a teacher… I realize that when students/people get together and share …. in experiences… the learning experience may go from abstract to concrete … and amazing connections are made! I am so happy to hear you are eager to do it… and don’t hesitate to respond and share. Even if YOU think it may not be important…It may be just the thing someone needs to hear!
    Keep playing, loving, laughing, learning..,,

  2. Parker-
    So great to read your update! I loved the part about playing soccer. Reminds me so much of our travels to Haiti! It’s great to immerse yourselves in the culture you’re in and join in on popular pastimes of the people. It’s a perfect way for them to see you as friends and vice versa, and helps to break down the cultural barrier that can so easily create a wall between you! And it sounds like you had FUN!

    I had to chuckle a little about your nickname. I’m so glad you’re a good sport about that. When we travel to Haiti, our Chinese daughter is most often referred to as “chinwa” which is their word for Chinese. Such a similar experience! She doesn’t love it too much, but she’s little.
    Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your week! Blessings as you continue to journey 🙂

  3. Hey Parker, it’s Sadie’s mom! Great post! I love hearing any little tidbit of what you guys are doing so very far away. So glad your fun and ministry are intertwining! Prayers for you all!

  4. Oh! The music class! What an amazing opportunity for learning something new. Worship is such an integral part of our Christian walk, so adding this piece of writing worship songs is a neat way to grow and communicate with the Lord. I admire you for trying something new.
    So proud of you all!

  5. I love reading your blogs Parker! You actually are a good writer. You make me feel as if I am a fly on the wall watching this adventure unfold. I am proud of you for challenging yourself with a class! Wow! You are already so courageous to be taking this walk of faith. Can’t wait to hear more from you!!

  6. Hey Parker, the journey is just beginning. It’s good to hear you’re team is coming together as brothers.
    See you in 2 DAYS!!

  7. I love reading your posts and getting a glimpse into your life in Swazi. I am so excited about your songwriting class and to see where that takes you! I’m proud of you and all that you are doing for God’s Kingdom!

  8. Oh Parker… or ‘China’… hmm, I believe you will always be Parker to me, lol

    So excited to hear more about our song writing class… super cool!

    And thank you for continuing to give us a window into your world!

  9. Can’t wait to share your songwriting story with choir! Such a neat experience to draw inspiration from!

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